Yazar: Seal6
Ergenekon olsun balyoz olsun bu operasyonlarının arkasında ABD varsa, AKP’yi de ABD getirmişse ve AKP aynen onların istedigi gibi hareket ediyorsa, aynı durum cemaat için de geçerli ise...
View ArticleYazar: Lolt
Gulen is too good that I don’t think your dirt can make it up there. This will get back to you. Just wait for the gravitational force to finish it off.
View ArticleYazar: fatih Es
I hope, you’ll be kind enough to keep my comment here. I am writing this because I see it as an offence to objectivity and academical writing. As someone who admires and has been reading Gulen’s...
View ArticleYazar: Ali
Pinar hanim, sizi anliyorum babaniz zor durumda bu tum ailenizi de etkiliyor. Babaniz haricinde suclu aramaya devam ettiginiz surece oraya buraya toslamaya devam edeceksiniz maalesef. Yasadiklarinizi...
View ArticleYazar: ploome
regarding: We have little doubt that the vast majority of Gülen’s followers have nothing to do with these tactics and would not condone them. But they are being ill-served by the movement’s leaders,...
View ArticleYazar: S
Ali bey, ne kadar acimasiz olabiliyorsunuz, bu umarim sadece sizin muslumanliginizdir, genel muslumanlik degildir. Siz Pinar hanimin babasini taniyormusunuz? Yada davasini cok yakindan takip edip her...
View ArticleYazar: Davut
Confusing as several jewish prominent people are who signed Gulen’s Green Visa Card appeal. Additionally the Jewish lobbying of AIPAC heavily supports Gulen.
View ArticleYazar: Talha
The excerpt is from his the Atlantic interview: “Some statements concerning Jews or Israel in your early sermons have been perceived as anti-Semitic. How do you respond to this? … I sincerely admit...
View ArticleYazar: brainiac3397
Don’t forget the video seminars he’s given. In the past, when the AKP and Gulen were hand-in-hand, he talked about how bad government was better than anarchy, and how people, especially those in his...
View ArticleYazar: brainiac3397
People would be hard pressed to rely on your “objectivity” as someone who clearly admires Gulen and has been a part of the movement. All you’ve done is put the burden of proof on others while...
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